martes, 28 de febrero de 2012
Valentine's Day
This game is for spend my time and enjoy with the cooking, I really like cook! :)
...And also I learned to draw! :P
My Oral Presentation
When they was young
Maria Clotas Bofill
19-his first job was to ba fashion designer 20 years and it was the pen that she was really.
20- ( en blancaa!! )
22-one of the funniest experiences that had to been able to travel with her friends.
23- She has visited: Mallorca, Menorca, eivissa, Formentera, valencia, murcia, espanya, suissa, alemanya, italia, frança, austria, gandia, canaries...and others.
24-One of the discoveries that she most impressive is the television.
25-my grandmother thinks that young people today are rude enough to deveria i have a little bit of respect for older people.
26-she is religious but not practicing-
27- Maria’s believe her dreas are fulfilled, one of the reasos is because she can travelled at other countries and in that times, when she was young society thinks the world end in Spain.
·She was born in 1934 and she lives in l’Armentera with her fathers and her grandfathers.
·When she was young her favourite food was roast chicken, and her favourite game was jumping the curve.
·In the past, her favourite music was Tango and double step.
·In her opinion, fashion wasn’t important, because all the women wore skirts or dresses, women never wore pants.
·In her opinion, in that time, anyone had a hero.
·When she was bored, she went to the place in the center of the village.
·She really like school, her favourite subject was maths and she only has one teacher.
·When she was young her dream was became a professional seamstress.
·In her live, only had one boyfriend; he’s her husband.
·She get married in 1956, on 24th March.
·She met her husband when she was very young, both of them lived in the same village, and they met in the dance party.
·She has one daughter who was born on 9th January in 1957, she has 55 years old, and one son who was born in 25th September in 1962, he has 49 years old.
·When she was so young, she lived the war; it was so hard because anyone had money, society was very poor.
·She started working with his family in the field, when she has 12 years old. It was her first job. She hasn’t had other jobs in her life.
·Her negative experience in her life was, when my father was 6 year old. He had cardiac arrest; his heart stopped during one minute and after that, his heart beating again. He was in the UVI during 8 days and do rest during 2 weeks in his house. He survives by miracle.
Her most important positive experience was the first moment when she knew she was pregnant. She had many desires to starting being a mother.
·One of her funny experiences was when she moved to Marina d’Or 8th days with her husband to celebrate her 40th wedding birthday.
·He hasn’t visited any other countries, she didn’t like travel.
·The discoveries that impressed her was the television, because it changes many things and the news came much faster.
·The most important event for she was “The year of the cold”. It was in 1956, the same year what she married. That year was some cold. The cold during 21 days all was forze.
·She thinks that some young people are too irresponsible and rude. It happens because everything changes.
·She is religious, every Sunday goes to church.
·No, she hasn’t fulfilled her dreams, but in her opinion; her life was better than her dreams.
Maria Clotas Bofill
1-She was born on 27th May in 1937
2-She was born in Armentera
3-She lived with her parents and her two older sisters.
4-She had good relationship with their parents, but always with respect.
2-She was born in Armentera
3-She lived with her parents and her two older sisters.
4-She had good relationship with their parents, but always with respect.
5-His favourite food was bread, wine and sugar.
6-Her favourite game when she was kid, was jumping rope because it was very skillful.
7-His favourite singer was and is Manolo Escobar.
7-His favourite singer was and is Manolo Escobar.
8-In her opinion fashion was very important and she always follow it.
9-His hero was rockinson because he was very handsome.
10-When she was bored, she leave her house and went to the streets of her village.
9-His hero was rockinson because he was very handsome.
10-When she was bored, she leave her house and went to the streets of her village.
11-she really liked school. She had only one teacher in her school and hadn’t choice but to like it. Her favorite subject was maths because she thought it to serve in the future.
12-In her dream was become to dress well and have more money for his family.
13-She hadn’t boyfriends, she had suitors.
12-In her dream was become to dress well and have more money for his family.
13-She hadn’t boyfriends, she had suitors.
14-She was married in 1960.
15- in this picture you can see a photo of her honeymoon in barcelona.
15-She met her husband in a dance party in her village. Her husband was her partner in one slow song
15-She met her husband in a dance party in her village. Her husband was her partner in one slow song
15- in 1963 maria became pregnant the first child, his name was josep.
16-She had four children but one died when he was 22 years old, esperanza has 47 years, marta 45 and albert 36 years old.
16-She had four children but one died when he was 22 years old, esperanza has 47 years, marta 45 and albert 36 years old.
17-she was born in the second year of the war.
18-she had always working at house but she began work in 14 years old. Esperansa has 47 years old, Marta has 45 years old and Albert 36 years old.
18-she had always working at house but she began work in 14 years old. Esperansa has 47 years old, Marta has 45 years old and Albert 36 years old.
19-his first job was to ba fashion designer 20 years and it was the pen that she was really.
20- ( en blancaa!! )
21- Her negative experience was she lost one of her sons because he had an motorcycle accident. And 8 years after, she lost her husband because he had a cardíac arrest.
Her positive esperience was care ans see their grandchildren grown.
22-one of the funniest experiences that had to been able to travel with her friends.
23- She has visited: Mallorca, Menorca, eivissa, Formentera, valencia, murcia, espanya, suissa, alemanya, italia, frança, austria, gandia, canaries...and others.
24-One of the discoveries that she most impressive is the television.
25-my grandmother thinks that young people today are rude enough to deveria i have a little bit of respect for older people.
26-she is religious but not practicing-
27- Maria’s believe her dreas are fulfilled, one of the reasos is because she can travelled at other countries and in that times, when she was young society thinks the world end in Spain.
28- in this picture you can see the complet family in the restaurant.
29- and finally in this picture you can see the complete family in the restaurant.
lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012
In this year i have some resolutions.
-I won't be so nervous.
Because it Brings Many problems and this make me a lot of headaches, low concentration and never to be relaxed.
-I will improve my relationchip with my parents.
My objective is i have the more relation ship and spend more time with my parents, because they are so importans for me
-I will focus on my ESO studies.
My goals are left of high school 'cause I will be start new projects, meet new friend and diferrents people.
Also I will left of high school because I want to star to studie really. I really like desing and pattern.
-I won't be so nervous.

-I will improve my relationchip with my parents.
My objective is i have the more relation ship and spend more time with my parents, because they are so importans for me
-I will focus on my ESO studies.
My goals are left of high school 'cause I will be start new projects, meet new friend and diferrents people.
Also I will left of high school because I want to star to studie really. I really like desing and pattern.
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012
This film is about different love stories and explained ten adventures about true love, platonic, romantic, unrequited, unreturned, bitter love...
For example the first couple meet in the high school , one girl and one boy fell in love but there are a lot of complications because one of the couple isn't honest.
Finally we see that in love evrery thing is possible.
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